Double Production Capacity

2021 was and still is a year of reorganising and reevaluation of the abilities and priorities of each and every one of us. In this context, we chose the path of investing in technology and new production capacities. As a result, given the continuous growing demand for performance, the addapted solutions we offer for Protective Bellows, Telescopic Ringed Bellows, Supple Cuffs, Textile Compensators, Bulk Charging Systems, Big-Bag Stations and specialised services such as Waterjet Cutting, found their utility, offering support for the maintenance services / departments of a nearly double number of customers, from Romania and from abroad as well.

For us, the main challenge of this special year consisted in achieving our goal to double our production capacity. For anyone who has some experience in production, accomplishing this performance in a relativly short period of time may seem almost impossible. Mostly, we have managed to overcome this obstacle by hiring specialists from our local industrial environment, both in production as wel as in logistics. Implementing the new technolgies and training the existing personnel for this purpose implied and still implies considerable resources. But, we manage every day and with each new product we manufacture to meet our customers’ continuously evolving expectations, as of the ones who’s confidence we have already gained, as well as of the ones who need Famatech’s solutions for the first time.

We are proud to state that we have the experience and the capacity to offer addapted solutions for a wide range of products from our field, both for the person contacting us because the protective bellow from his agricultural ecquipment is broken, as well as for prototype or research projects for prestigious companies from most various industries, such as: nuclear, aeronautics, automotive, robotics, cement, construction, or even metallurgy and naval industry.

We offer special attention to urgent requests, given the fact that if they are not resolved quickly and at a certain level of quality, our customers’ entire production facility stops. It is universally acknoledged that this phenomenon usually implies high costs with a major impact on the entire activity, as well as on their customers’ and on their commercial relations.

Our products also come with a series of innovative characteristics, this fact being also noticed by our visitors from Global Industrie Lyon 2021, consisting in a wide range of accesories applied for making the assembling easier, without dismantling the whole ecquipment. Also, the variety of the materials we use for manufacturing our Protective Bellows, Supple Cuffs, Textile Compensators or different sorts of Protective Sheaths, as well as our wide experience, allow us to offer our customers solutions perfectly addapted to their needs, at competitive prices, without having to make any concession in terms of quality.

Strating 2022, our offer will also include a mechanical machining workshop. This comes as a result of the noumerous requests of our customers’ to receive the full service for the components ordered. The mechanical machining workshop is complementary to our high precision Waterjet Cutting Service.

Our general ascending trend continues despite the current unstable economic context. Though 2020 brought a series of unexpected challenges for us too, the end of 2021 seems to compensate this situation, with a large number of new projects and also with a wider covering of the Romanian market. We notice that more and more Romanian companies have the tendency to refocus on local suppliers for products they used to acquire from abroad up until 2020, especially if they receive the same or better price-quality ratio.

For quotation requests please contact us at
+40 269 555 254 | +40 755 010 971
Str. Textiliștilor nr. 17, 555700 Tălmaciu jud. Sibiu, Romania
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