Famatech events

We are going through a period in which, like Marin Preda – a famous Romanian author – once said: time „didn’t have any more patience”. We are doing in half an hour things that used to take us at least 3 hours. We run from one part to another, faster than bees in a hive, like we constantly have a train (or a plane) to catch and, God forbbid we miss it, a tragedy will surely take place...

Today we are getting ready for the summer vacation and tomorrow is Christmas already. We live with the constant feeling that we are missing a series of opportunities if we are not there to seize them. And maybe that is exactly how it is...

Who’s got any more time for simple and beautiful things? Few of them get to really impress us, or make us feel and remember them through time.

By a considerable will effort, we have organized, or more accurately, we have truly LIVED not one, but two memorable events at Famatech.

Between the 17th – 20th of May we were present at Global Industrie Paris 2022, where we have the confirmation that we have impressed a considerable number of important companies’ representatives with our range of industrial adapted solutions.

Although our star product has been the large connection bellow for the naval industry, nore our ringed bellow system or our PVC or folded bellows for the railway industry were in any way neglected.

Now that the results for this event have arrived, we consider them very satisfying. We had almost 200 visitors in 4 days, some of them were already customers, with 60% of them we have identified a real collaboration potential and 6 of them have made at least an inquiry in the first month after the event.

The second one had taken place right in our “home”. On the 14th of June we had the pleasure to receive the visit of C.C.I.F.E.R (CCI Française en Roumanie) and CFAS’s (Club Francophone d’Affaires de Sibiu) representatives, together with some of their most important members. The visit to Famatech was part of the 6th edition of the Francophone Business Meetings, from the Business Marathon organized by CCIFER, in the Central region.

We have first received our guests in a specially designed outdoor area.

Then, after a short introductive informative speech regarding Famatech’s main activity, the actual visit in production took place.

Our guests were quite impressed with our various range of industrial adapted solutions, our custom made PVC/silicone protection bellows, our small/large cuffs and compensators, our extremely complex, but perfectly adapted folded bellows and also with the production process itself.

We hope that the pleasure has been mutual and we consider this visit both an opportunity to consolidate our relations with the two organizations’ representatives and with the companies we already work with, as well as for initiating long term new collaborations.

The event continued with lunch and further discutions at Brukenthal Palace in Avrig, where Famatech was also represented.

For quotation requests please contact us at
+40 269 555 254 | +40 755 010 971
Str. Textiliștilor nr. 17, 555700 Tălmaciu jud. Sibiu, Romania
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