The need for security, safety, protection, situated on the second level in Maslow’s pyramid, presents a special importance for each of us. This is also highly connected to the survival instinct and to the quite natural instinct to protect others. Animal and human offsprings, young plants seem more beautiful and trigger this instinct in it’s roughest form.
The current situation for some of us means fear, panic and the desire to run. Other react with detachment – I remember a conversation I overheard on the street the other day: They fight over there...Why shouldn’t I sleep well because of it? And others try to help however they can.
The actual imagination exercise consists in the hypothesis of being compelled to choose between saving your elders’ or your children’s lives on one hand, but to lose your husband or your adult child while fighting for your country, on the other hand.
Actually, everything comes down to us – the only ones able to decide the kind of world our children will live in. And the pressure of the responsability is sometimes considerable and the options seem to be: running, detachment or fighting and adapting.
Specifically, in business, the situation is somewhat similar, with the important role companies play by ensuring an income for the employees, but also by producing essential goods and services both for consumption as well as for the other productive industries.
We grow our business from an idea and then, it is up to us to consolidate the fundaments for survival of the prodution capacities in any economic or political context. The ability to adapt becomes the best way we can ensure continuity and evolution, especially in production. In 2020, Famatech produced textile masks, visors and protection panels. In the present context as well, we are prepared to adapt our production according to the needs of the continuously changing industry, using both our technological and inovative capacities achieved so far.
Protecting the equipment involved in the production process offers extra safety and security in continuity and sustainability. By using protection bellows , made of PVC/silicone, sewed or folded bellows, the life cycle of the equipment or machinery grows significantly. The flexible compensators have the role to absorb vibration and noise, compensate coaxiality divertions and expansions, or to isolate in case of temperatures up to 1200°C.
We are looking forward to receive your requests for our technical solutions, whether they are for Flexible Ringed Bellows , Thermic / Noise Protection Covers , for our Waterjet Cutting services or for other products for which our technical capabilities can be adapted.
We also invite you to come and meet us at:
Global Industrie - Paris, France, 12 – 17th May 2022;
ESEF Maakindustrie, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 30th august – 2nd September 2022 and at
BI-MU, Milan, Italy, 12 – 15th Octomber 2022 to which we will have presentation stands and to find a way to adapt together in any context.