Mainly used in static or dynamic system components, gaseous and liquid environments, our flat and dynamic seals are used to dampen vibrations and seal installations or components.
We can talk about tightness in all branches of industry dealing with the transformation, transport or storage of fluids or gases.
Each application corresponds to a certain type of material with well-defined characteristics. Whatever the field of application of seals and gaskets, we can adapt to any needs or working conditions.

Resistant to a wide range of temperatures, pressure, UV rays, weathering, water vapor, certain acids, alcohol, certain oils, etc., our gaskets perfectly meet your needs.
In choosing the type of material, it will be considered both the chemical resistance, pressure resistance and temperature to which they will be subjected, as well as the mounting method and the sealing force. The raw materials available in stock are varied: elastomers, high-temperature resistant fibers, silicone, composite materials, polyethylene foams, polyurethane, etc.
Sizes and shapes: Our multiple cutting techniques allow us to produce flat seals and gaskets of different shapes and sizes.
Depending on the material chosen, the operating temperature ranges between - 40°C and 1200°C.
Leather, this flexible material with low flammability, also has some exceptional physic mechanical characteristics: strength and elongation at break, good resistance to abrasion, weathering, UV, tearing and permanent deformation.
In addition to these properties, there are severaltreatments that, if applied, give the material / products additional properties such as: high resistance to perforation, resistance to different types of oils, to pressure, to sparks, splashes, gives it impermeability or special aesthetic properties.
Sizes and shapes: depending on your specificationsour gaskets can have different shapes, sizes, and diameters. They can be U-shaped, V-shaped, caps (calotte), hat (chapeau), ring (rondelle), etc.
The standard colour is leather’s natural color, but on request, our dynamic leather seals and gaskets can be grey, black, different shades of brown, etc.
The operating temperatures range from -40ºC to 150ºC.